unique north american witchcraft and occult shop for the daring souls with the focus on poison path, esoteric herbalism, occult jewelry and altar art
‘Poison Arrow’ is a bespoke North American witchcraft and metaphysical supplies shop offering artisanal and carefully curated selections of baneful materia, flying ointments, sorcerous oils, ritual apothecary creations, and one-of-a-kind occult jewelry and occult art.
Created by a witch, artist and a gardener in 2020, fully virtual boutique with the studio based in Toronto, Canada.
All the baneful materia comes from the plants grown respectfully and with utmost care in-house, non baneful plant materia is ethically harvested or sourced locally in Ontario.
Kristina is the founder and artist behind Poison Arrow creative and magical journey, self-taught in the matters of western esoteric tradition, natural magic and poison path working with select poisonous plants through extensive study, self-experimentation, personal gnosis and work on the plant spirit level.
Instagram @PoisonArrowApothecary
Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/PoisonArrowOccultArt
Contact: poisonarrowoccultarts@gmail.com
Flying ointments
Explorations on the Poison Path with our own, grown in-house Datura, Henbane, Belladonna, Brugmansia and other baneful plant spirits.
Ritual oils
Handcrafted for offertory, devotional and sympathetic magic ceremonies. Only natural plant materia with a refined blend of scents..
Talismanic jewelry
Adornments as a form of invocation and a tribute to primordial figures on the path of Self-Empowerment, Liberation and Knowledge.
One-of-a-kind occult art
Unique art and artifacts handcrafted with devotion, intention and precision, for your altar, temple and sacred space.
Unique ritual collections
Unified by theme, carefully curated collections of many’s favorite offerings whose whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts..
ritual apothecary.
Gifts from the Green Kingdom alchemized into high vibrational potions working their magic on the physical and spirit planes.